Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Lihavõttejänku ja korv

Dropsist saadud muster.


Jänku-munasoojendaja kootakse ripskoes (koo kõik read parempidi).
Loo 30 silmust kahekordse lõngaga (1x Merino ExtraFine ja 1x Kid-Silk) ja koo edasi-tagasi ripskoes, kuni töö on 8 cm pikkune.
Koo maha rea esimene silmus, koo järgmised 14 silmust ja pane viimased 15 silmust silmusehoidjale.
Koo vardale jäänud 14 silmusega ripskoes, kuni töö on silmushoidjast 7 cm pikkune.
Katkesta lõng, tõmba läbi kõigi 14 silmuse, pinguta ja kinnita ots = kõrv.

Võta silmusehoidjale pandud 15 silmust tagasi vardale ja koo kokku rea 2 viimast silmust = 14 silmust alles.
Jätka kudumist edasi-tagasi ripskoes, kuni ka see kõrv on 7 cm pikkune.
Katkesta lõng, tõmba läbi kõigi 14 silmuse, pinguta ja kinnita.

Õmble kõrvad servapidi kokku ning samuti õmble kokku munasoojendaja keskelt tagant.

Heegelda ahelsilmustest umbes 35-40 cm pikkune kett heleroosa Silke-Alpaca’ga. Põimi kett ümber mõlema kõrva ja seo lehviks.

Tiki tumedama lõngaga jänkule silmad.
Seo Silke-Alpaca’st suur sõlm ja kinnita see ninaks.


Korv kootakse ripskoes (kõik read parempidi).
Loo 28 silmust kahekordse lõngaga (1x Merino ExtraFine ja 1x Kid-Silk) ja koo edasi-tagasi ripskoes, kuni töö on umbes 15 cm pikkune.
Järgmisel kahe rea lõpus loo juurde 43 uut silmust (mõlema rea lõpus 43 silmust) = 114 silmust.
Jätka kudumist edasi-tagasi ripskoes, kuni töö on juurdeloodud silmustest mõõdetuna 13 cm pikkune.
Koo järgmine rida järgmiselt: 4 pr, * 2pr kokku, 1 õs, 5 pr*, korda alates * 5 viimase silmuseni, siis 2 pr kokku, 1 õs, 3 pr.
Koo veel 3 cm ripskoes ja koo siis silmused lõdvalt maha.

Õmble korvike kokku ääresilmuste seest vastavalt skeemile: õmble A kokku A-ga, B B-ga, C C-ga ja D D-ga. Õmble kokku tagant keskelt.

Heegelda korvi ülemine serv üle 3,5 mm heegelnõelaga ühekordse heleroosa Silke-Alpaca-ga. Alusta tagant keskelt õmbluse juurest: *1 ks, 3 ahels, 1 ühekordne sammas (sm) esimesse ahels-sse, jäta vahele umbes 1 cm*, korda alates * ringi lõpuni ja lõpeta aass-ga esimesse ks-sse ringi alguses.

Heegelda 5 mm heegelnõelaga ja kahekordse heleroosa Silke-Alpaca-ga umbes 75 cm pikkune ahelsilmustest kett. Katkesta lõng ja seo mõlemasse otsa sõlm.
Põimi nöör läbi kootud augurea ja seo ette keskele lipsuks kokku.



Drops design: muster nr ME-009.
Lõng: DROPS Merino ExtraFine 50 g/ 105 m
Värvi nr 100, naturaalvalge,
Värvi nr 05m, helehall.
Lisaks kasuta: DROPS Kid-Silk 25 g/ 200 m
Värvi nr 01, naturaalvalge,
värvi nr 10 hall.
Ja kasuta: DROPS Silke-Alpaca 50 g/ 60 m
Värvi nr 3140, heleroosa.
1 jänku jaoks kulub umbes 5g Kid-Silki, 20g Merino ExtraFinei ja väike kogus Silke-Alpacat.

DROPSi pikad vardad: 4 mm – või sobivad, millega saavutad kudumistiheduse: 19 silmust x 38 rida = 10 x 10 cm ripskoes kahekordse lõngaga (1x Merino ExtraFine ja 1x Kid-Silk).
DROPSi heegelnõel: 3,5mm – paela jaoks.
Kõrgus umbes 16 cm
Lõng: DROPS Merino ExtraFine 50 g/ 105 m
100g värvi nr 100, naturaalvalge
Lisaks kasuta: DROPS Kid-Silk 25 g/ 200 m
25g värvi nr 01, naturaalvalge
Ja kasuta: DROPS Silke-Alpaca 50 g/ 60 m
50g värvi nr 3140, heleroosa

DROPSi pikad vardad: 4 mm – või sobivad, millega saavutad kudumistiheduse: 19 silmust x 38 rida = 10 x 10 cm ripskoes kahekorse lõngaga (1x Merino ExtraFine ja 1x Kid-Silk).
DROPSi heegelnõel: 3,5 mm – ääre jaoks ja 5 mm – paela jaoks.

Maksimum hinnad alates 26.04.2011:


DROPS KID SILK - EUR 50 g tokk


Rionilt üliandekas haldjamüts :)))

Pixie hat




Loo 98 silma ja koo 4 rida 2x2 soonikut. (Beebi suurus)
Suuruse muutmisel tuleb jälgida, et silmad jaguks 4ga+2
Varras nr.3

Rida5: pp6, (vp2,pp2) kuni 6 viimase silmani, pp6
Rida6: vp6, (pp2,vp2) kuni 6 viimase silmani, vp6.
Rida7: sama nagu rida 5.
Rida8: pp8, (vp2,pp2) kuni 8 viimase silmani, pp8.
Rida9: vp8, (pp2,vp2) kuni 8 viimase silmani, vp8.
Rida10: sama nagu rida 8.
Rida11: pp1O, (vp2,pp2) kuni 10 viimase silmani, pp1O.
Rida12: vp1O, (pp2,vp2) kuni 10 viimase silmani, vp1O.
Rida13: sama nagu rida 11.
Rida14: pp12, (vp2,pp2) kuni 12 viimase silmani, pp12, jne.

Jätka samamoodi kuni pole järel enam ühtegi (pp2,vp2) silma järgi. Koo üks kord kõik pp ja lõpeta rida.

Voldi kootud tükk mütsikujuliseks ja õmble kokku.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Väike lepatriinu

See õpetus on kirja pandud KristiMNi poolt Crochetvilli lehele 2006 aastal. Tegemist väga nunnude lepatriinudega. Aitäh!

General supplies:
Size F Crochet Hook
Small amounts of ww yarn
Tapestry needle for sewing
Google eyes
Black pipe cleaner for antennas

General terms
Sc-dec= single crochet decrease (decrease over 2 stitches)
Sc= single crochet
FO= finish off
BLO= Back loops only


At the end of each round, join with a slip stitch to beginning sc.
With red,
Chain 2, (starting at top of bug body)
1) 5 sc in 2nd chain from hook
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around (10 sc)
3) ch 1, (2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc) repeat around (15 sc)
4) ch 1, (2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc) repeat around (20 sc)
5-7) ch 1, sc in each sc around.. DO NOT FINISH OFF...
Embroider spots now. With black yarn, embroider small X's on bug body.
Resuming with red yarn,.
8) In BLO, ch 1, sc-dec around (10 sc)
9) ch 1, sc-dec around (5 sc)
FO leaving long tail. Use tail to sew hole shut on bottom
Weave in ends

With black
Chain 2
1) 5 sc in 2nd chain from hook
2) ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around (10 sc)
3) ch 1, sc in each sc around
FO leaving long tail.
Sew head to body.

Cut a 2½ piece of black pipe cleaner. Push through head and bend up.
Trim as desired

Glue on google eyes.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Pitsilised sõrmikud

Medium Size

MATERIALS: Bear Brand or Fleisher’s Machine Washable Win-Spin**; or
Bear Brand or Fleisher’s Ever-Match Sock and Fingering, 3 ozs.

“Boye” Aluminum Sock Needles, 1 set Size 2.

GAUGE: 9 sts = 1 inch

RIGHT GLOVE—Cuff—Cast on 28 sts for hem of back of glove. P 1 row, k 1 row for 4 rows.

Next row—wrong side—K 1, * yo, k 2 tog; repeat from *, end k 1. K 1 row, cast on 30 sts at end of row; 58 sts. Divide sts on 3 needles as follows: first 28 sts on first needle; 14 sts on 2nd needle; 16 sts on 3rd needle; join. K 28, p 2, * k 2, p 2; repeat from * to end of round. Repeat last round twice.

Pattern—Round 1—K 3, * yo, slip, k and pass, k 2, k 2 tog., yo, k 2; repeat from * twice, k 1, work p 2, k 2 ribbing to end of round.

Round 2—K 28, work ribbing to end.

Round 3—K 4, * yo, slip, k and pass, k 2 tog., yo, k 4; repeat from * twice, work ribbing to end.

Round 4—Same as round 2. Repeat last 4 rounds until ribbing measures 2 ins., decreasing 2 sts in ribbing on last round; 56 sts.

First inc. round for thumb gore—Work pat. For 28 sts, place a marker before next st, k 1, yo, k 1, place another marker before next st (5 sts in thumb gore), k to end of round; 58 sts. Carry up thumb markers. Work 3 round even with first 28 sts in pat. And remaining sts in stockinet st.

2nd inc. round—Work to first marker, k 1, yo, k 3, yo, k 1, k to end of round. Continue to inc. 2 sts in thumb gore in this way every 4th round until there are 21 sts between markers, having 2 more sts between yo’s after each inc. round; 74 sts in round. Work 2 rounds even.

Next round—Work 28 pat. sts; slip next 21 sts to a strand of yarn for thumb; cast on 7 sts for inner side of thumb, place these 7 sts on free needle, to same needle, k remaining sts of 2nd needle; k to end of round; 60 sts. Work 1 ½ ins. even, end just before the 7 cast-on sts with pat. round 4. This completes lace pat.

First Finger—Slip last 7 sts worked to a free needle, to same needle, k next 10 sts (the sts right over the 7 cast-on sts and next 3 sts), slip remaining 43 sts to a thread to be held for other 3 fingers, cast on 5 sts for gusset. Divide these 22 sts on 3 needles, join. K around for 2 ½ ins., or ¼ in. less than desired finished length.

First dec. round—K 9, k 2 tog., k 9, k 2 tog., 20 sts. K 1 round even.

2nd dec. round—* K 3, k 2 tog.; repeat from * 3 times; 16 sts. K 1 round even.

3rd dec. round—* K 2, k 2 tog.; repeat from * 3 times; 12 sts. K 1 round even.

Final round—K 2 tog. 6 times. Break off, leaving an end. Draw end through all 6 sts; fasten off.

Second Finger—Beg. At back of hand (lace section), slip 8 sts from thread to needle, join yarn and pick up and k 5 sts on 5 sts of gusset of first finger, slip 7 sts from other end of thread (palm of hand) t another needle and k, cast on 4 sts for gusset. Divide these 24 sts on 3 needles, join. K around for 2 ¾ ins., or ¼ in. less than desired finished length.

First dec. round—* K 4, k 2 tog.; repeat from * 3 times; 20 sts. K 1 round even. Finish as for first finger.

Third Finger—Slip 7 sts from back of hand to needle, pick up and k 4 sts on 4 sts cast on for gusset, k 7 sts from palm of hand to needle, cast on 4 sts for gusset. Divide these 22 sts on 3 needles, join. K around for 2 ½ ins., or ¼ in. less than desired finished length. Finish as for first finger.

Fourth Finger—Slip remaining 14 sts to 2 needles, pick up and k 4 sts n the 4 sts cast on for gusset. Divide these 18 sts on 3 needles, join. K around for 2 ins., or ¼ in. less than desired finished length.

First dec. round—K 7, k 2 tog., k 7, k 2 tog.; 16 sts. K 1 round even. Finish as for first finger.

Thumb—Slip the 21 thumb sts t 2 needles, pick up and k 7 sts on the 7 cast-on sts. Divide these 28 sts on 3 needles, join. K 3 rounds even.

* Dec. round—Dec. 1 st in center of sts picked up. K 1 round even *. Repeat between *’s 3 times; 24 sts. K even until 2 ins. above picked up sts, or ¼ in. less than desired finished length. Finish as for second finger.

LEFT GLOVE—Cuff—Work same as right glove until cuff measures 2 ins., decreasing 2 sts in ribbing on last round; 56 sts.

First inc. round for thumb gore—Work pat. for 28 sts, k to within 3 sts of end of round, place a marker before next st, k 1, yo, k 1, place another marker (5 sts in thumb gore); 58 sts. Carry up markers. Work 3 rounds even with 28 sts in pat. and remaining sts in stockinet st.

2nd inc. round—Work to first marker, k 1, yo, k 3, yo, k 1. Continue to inc. 2 sts in thumb gore every 4th round until there are 21 sts in thumb gore; 74 sts in round. Work 2 rounds even.

Next round—Work 28 pat. sts, k to first marker; slip next 21 sts to a strand of yarn for thumb; cast on 7 sts for inner side of thumb, join; 60 sts. Work 1 ½ ins. even, end with pat. round 4, just after the 7 cast-on sts. This completes lace pat.

First Finger—Slip last 10 sts worked to a free needle (the sts right over the cast-on sts and previous 3 sts), to the same needle k the next 7 sts. Slip remaining 43 sts to a thread, cast on 5 sts for gusset. Divide these 22 sts on 3 needles, join. Finish as for first finger of right glove. Finish to correspond to right glove.

FINISHING—Turn under hem on back of hand on open-work turning ridge. Sew to wrong side. Steam.