This Bluebird of Happiness pattern is knitted with The Magic Loop method of knitting with circular needles.
Pruuni lõnga noka jaoks
Viltimisnõel ja musta heiet silmade viltimiseks
Pruuni lõnga noka jaoks
Viltimisnõel ja musta heiet silmade viltimiseks
Loo ringvarrastele 9 silma (koo parempidist kudet edaspidi). Õhenda silmad ringiks ja pane mustrimärkija rea algusesse
Rida1: Koo PP.
Round 2: Kasvata igast silmusest üks lisasilmus (18 silmust).
Round 3: Koo PP.
Round 4: Kasvata igast silmusest üks lisasilmus (36 silmust).
Read 5-11: Koo PP
Round 12: (1PP, 2 kokku) nii terve rida.
Round 13: Koo PP
Round 14: (1PP, 2 kokku) nii terve rida.
Round 15: Koo PP.
Round 16: Koo igast silmusest 1 lisasilmus.
Rida 17-20: Koo PP
Round 21: (2 kokku) korda rea lõpuni.
Katkesta lõng, võta nõela abil kõik silmused lõngale ja jäta nii, kuni linnu täis toppimiseni.
Loo ringvarrastele 9 silma (koo parempidist kudet edaspidi). Õhenda silmad ringiks ja pane mustrimärkija rea algusesse
Rida1: Koo PP.
Round 2: Kasvata igast silmusest üks lisasilmus (18 silmust).
Round 3: Koo PP.
Round 4: Kasvata igast silmusest üks lisasilmus (36 silmust).
Read 5-11: Koo PP
Round 12: (1PP, 2 kokku) nii terve rida.
Round 13: Koo PP
Round 14: (1PP, 2 kokku) nii terve rida.
Round 15: Koo PP.
Round 16: Koo igast silmusest 1 lisasilmus.
Rida 17-20: Koo PP
Round 21: (2 kokku) korda rea lõpuni.
Katkesta lõng, võta nõela abil kõik silmused lõngale ja jäta nii, kuni linnu täis toppimiseni.
Saba kootakse PP koes.
Loo 3 silma
Koo 6 rida.
Loo juurde 1 silmus rea alguses ja lõpus
Cast on 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the row.
Koo 3 rida.
Knit 3 rows.
Koo maha
Cast off.
Koo PP koes
Knit wings in garter stitch (plain)
Loo 5 silma
Cast on 5 stitches.
Koo esimene ja teine rida.
Knit first and second row.
Rida 3: lisa 2 silmust rea algusesse ja lõppu
Row 3: Cast on 2 stitches at the beginning of the row and 1 stitch at the end of the row.
Rida 4: Koo PP
Row 4: Knit.
Rida 5: Lisa 1 silmus rea alsuse, koo 2 kokku rea lõpus.
Row 5: Cast on 1 stitch at the beginning and knit 2 together at the end of the row.
Rida 6: KooPP
Row 6: Knit.
Rida 7: Koo 2 kokku rea alguses ja koo rea lõpuni.
Row 7: Knit 2 stitches together at the beginning of the row, knit to the end of the row.
Rida 8: KooPP
Row 8: Knit.
Koo maha
Cast off.
Saba kootakse PP koes.
Loo 3 silma
Koo 6 rida.
Loo juurde 1 silmus rea alguses ja lõpus
Cast on 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the row.
Koo 3 rida.
Knit 3 rows.
Koo maha
Cast off.
Koo PP koes
Knit wings in garter stitch (plain)
Loo 5 silma
Cast on 5 stitches.
Koo esimene ja teine rida.
Knit first and second row.
Rida 3: lisa 2 silmust rea algusesse ja lõppu
Row 3: Cast on 2 stitches at the beginning of the row and 1 stitch at the end of the row.
Rida 4: Koo PP
Row 4: Knit.
Rida 5: Lisa 1 silmus rea alsuse, koo 2 kokku rea lõpus.
Row 5: Cast on 1 stitch at the beginning and knit 2 together at the end of the row.
Rida 6: KooPP
Row 6: Knit.
Rida 7: Koo 2 kokku rea alguses ja koo rea lõpuni.
Row 7: Knit 2 stitches together at the beginning of the row, knit to the end of the row.
Rida 8: KooPP
Row 8: Knit.
Koo maha
Cast off.
Fill your bluebird with soft fleece and ensure he is wonderfully firm, shaping him as you go. Take your needle and thread it through your stitches and pull firmly closed and finish off.
Shape your bluebird gently, by pushing more fleece to the back as can be seen in the photo.
Sew on wings and tail.
To make the beak, sew a loop in brown wool and weave in and out through the loop and finish off.
(Please note this pattern is for non-commercial purposes only)
Needle felt on two black eyes with fleece and a felting needle.
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